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Does your pet, horse or livestock animal need chiropractic care?
Below are clinical signs that could indicate your animal
has a subluxation.

● Abnormal posture, including low head carriage or hunched back
● Reluctance to move, climb stairs, or jump on to raised areas
● Signs of pain when being lifted, or performing specific movements
● Sensitivity to touch
● Changes in behavior
● Undefined lameness
● Altered sitting position (puppy sitting)
● Licks granuloma on legs or paws
● Recurrent ear or anal gland infections
● Frequent digestive problems
● Long toe nails

Animal Chiropractic can successfully remove interference in your animal’s
nervous system so the above clinical signs can resolve and the animal can be
restored to normal function. Chiropractic is safe, noninvasive and drug-free.

How often does my pet need to be seen?

This question must be answered on an individual basis for each patient.
Sometimes a single session is enough, but In most cases, a single session is
not enough to eliminate the problem.

What is a pet adjustment like?
Vet Chiro Flyer.png

Dr. Erika is a veterinarian who is professionally trained in animal chiropractic
in addition to her veterinary education. During your animal’s chiropractic
appointment, Dr. Erika will use her hands to identify and correct subluxations
causing nerve interference along the spine. The subluxation adjustments are
made using quick, short thrusts along the plane of the joint with hands directly
on the affected vertebrae. Only subluxated vertebrae are adjusted. There are
usually no loud pops or cracks and animals often relax immediately.

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